Most of us don't plan to waste just happens. Time slips by without some significant accomplishment, except for figuring out what to eat for the next meal. A day, a week, a month--suddenly a quarter of the year is gone and we can't figure out where it went. More importantly, we can't figure out what we did that mattered.
These days, I get up earlier than I have in years and, before I know it, it's going on noon, or two o'clock.
But at least most days the time isn't wasted. I've used it up learning something brand new. That's what building a new website - Perilous Fiction - will do. I'm learning Word Press one click at a time, and I haven't found it to be particularly easy. I wanted more than a blog site, so I'm diving into web design and a site that will incorporate a new blog. We'll see if I live to regret it.
There aren't too many resources for using Word Press to build a website, though all tout it as a capability--even a strength. Most people assume you'll use Word Press to create a new blog, so stepping off the trodden path into whole site design goes against the norm. Every hint, tip, and training video must be sifted to find the ones that apply to me. I wish my brain functioned and absorbed knowledge as well as it did twenty years ago! Ahh, those were the days.
Thrown into the mix is graphic design software, book cover design for my forthcoming Perilous Cove novel, editing said novel into final format, and learning all aspects of social media. Much to process, but I'm getting there.
Watch for Perilous Cove, Book One in the Perilous Safety Series, to be available sometime in May. Book cover coming soon.
And check out the new website and blog at It's functioning, just not all I want it to be yet.
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